Find out about abdullatif law firm

The office was established in 1430 Ah, in accordance with an innovative vision that highlights the serious attention to the needs of its clients, and the introduction of modern services in contact with the requirements of the business sector and the goal is to build a strong base of trust and commitment with the top...

work fields

The Office assumes the functions of arguing in the courts, providing legal and judicial...

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Office News

The office was established in 1430 Ah, in accordance with an innovative vision that highlights the serious attention to the needs of its clients, and the introduction of modern services in contact with the requirements of the business sector and the goal is to build a strong base of trust and commitment with the top customers, which we aspire to...

Skill or martyrdom ?

Now (skill) needs exploration, development and refinement, and this can only be achieved through science and knowledge, which is often represented by (study). Also, the study is in fact the discovery and development of skill. It teaches the student starting the various sciences and puts him to the...

The lawyer and the media attendance?

Does my success as a lawyer need to have a media presence at the new media level? These are important means, but they are not an end; Because they are mostly introductory tools and support tools. It undoubtedly gives the lawyer a media aura and markets him indirectly, but it does not necessarily...

Has legalization of the judiciary become an urgent necessity?

With the varied and varied judgments of the judges at times in the same matter, it has become important to limit the issue of absolute diligence and what the justification entails in the trial, which constitutes a central vision for the judge from which it is launched in accusation and upon which...

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